Bine ati venit

Lectures on Youtube
Lectures (in French : use Youtube subtitles to translate)

Important: you need to have an account to access the antennas
1) Create an account
2) Make a reservation to book a telescope time slot
3) Observe during your allocated time
4) Be careful, the booking time is in UTC (Universal Time) : compute your local time
5) Use Krakow or Paris-2m for the moment : see below

1) If any antenna is not responding, please send us an email
2) The Antenna in Spain is still in restricted use mode
3) The Portuguese Antenna is being moved (restricted use)
4) The French Antenna in Toulouse is in restricted use mode for the moment
5) The French Antenna in Nancay is in restricted use mode for the moment
6) PARIS-3m antenna is being repaired. It is not available for a few days (since Jan 25th, 2015)

Exercise 1

For more informations, have a look to the documents :
More pedagogical Material

November 24, 2011 | EU-HOU RadioAstronomy.
Bine ati venit la EU-HOU.Tinta acestui site este de a da acces la radiotelescoape instalate in observatoarele din Paris ,Craiova,Cracovia,Madrid .Deasemenea este posibil de a controla aceste radiotelescoape de la distanta.Din observatiile dumneavoastra veti putea creea o harta a galaxiei noastre Calea Lactee...


Interfata Web pentru controlul Antenei.Un nume si o parola este necesara pentru a acesa aceasta facilitate.


Interfata Web pentru a acesa baza de date LAB si uneltele interactive necesare pentru exercitiile MW (curba de rotatie si bratele spirale)


Baza de date a celor 5 Radiotelescoape cu uneltele necesare pentru (i) a afisa/descarca arhivele rezultate (ii) pentru a realiza o harta a Galaxiei.
